Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year = New Blog

I made a resolution this year to stop just reading and watching other peoples blogs or vlogs and finally do one of my own. Well here it what.

Okay so as my first post I guess I should give my readers an idea of what this is going to be like. I plan on doing a few different things, as I like to do many different things.
1. I will talk about makeup and hair. Product reviews, tips, tricks and how to's.
2. I will talk about crafting and post about things I have done with (same as #1) tips, tricks and how to's.
3. I will talk about Geology and the Environment, as much as you all seem to like it. Nothing insane, no lectures or anything, just about things that are going on at the time and so on.
Of course I reserve the right to talk about random things as well.

So let me know what things interest you or you have questions about and if I can't answer it out of my knowledge then I promise I will try my hardest to find the answer for you, or at least steer you to someone who can help.

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