Thursday, January 17, 2013

Influenster Holiday VoxBox

So earlier this month I received my very first Influenster VoxBox, the Holiday VoxBox to be exact. In it I received a bunch of goodies. Here I give you a preview of what I got and first impressions.

First up was the Goody® QuikStyle™, I recieved the half-round version.
I was a little apprehensive that this would really do much, but so far I have been pleasantly surprised.

Next up the Eboost Natural Pink Lemonade Energy Mix. I really tried to like this but I think it tastes horrible. I know most energy drinks have their hangups in the after taste department, but I was not a fan. It had a really noticeable rind or vest taste, which I am apparently not a fan of, so if you don't like that I wouldn't recommend this for you.

I received the Chocolate Masque from Montagne Jeunesse, and to be honest, haven't tried it yet. Maybe this weekend.

I got the Kiss Nail Dress in Chemise, which as you can see by the picture is very black, gold and blingy. These are getting put on this weekend as well, for a small family get together. Can't wait to make my sister jealous, lol.

I was rather interested in this one, NYC New York Color Liquid Lipshine in Nude York City, as I haven't every owned a nude lipgloss.
The Quaker Real Medleys sounded good at first until I seen what was in mine, I received the Apple Walnut one. Sounded good, really good, then I seen it has dried cranberries in it and lets just say me and dried cranberries do not go together well. I'm not sure why because I can eat the fresh versions and drink the juice, but dry them and they make me feel stoned. So my husband got this and he absolutely loved it. So thumbs up from him!

Lastly I received a gift code for half off of my first pair of shoes through Sole Society. Honestly I am not sure I will use this, I looked through the site and nothing really caught my eye. Maybe later.

I am really pleased and happy about my first VoxBox. Really happy about the brush, lip gloss and face mask. Disappointed by the Eboost, and sadly couldn't eat the oatmeal. Hoping I qualify for more in the future. *fingers crossed*

*All of these products were sent to me by Influenster. All opinions are my own.

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