Friday, February 25, 2011

DIY Cardboard Patterns

Ever wanted to make a cute flower for your shirt or put a star pattern on a pillow, but can't draw for crap. You are not alone, I can barely draw a straight line let alone draw a cute pattern, free-hand, to cut out for my projects. Luckily I figured out a great way to make my own patterns while using up some of those old boxes lying around from x-mas.
Items needed: Printed out pictures, Cardboard boxes, Push pins, and Scissors and/or an X-Acto Knife. 
Difficulty and time to complete really depend on the the design.

Step 1: Find pictures of the design you want. I just Google image search for what I want until I find what I like. Once you have the pictures you want Copy/Paste it into Word and resize to what you want. My clovers are all just resized versions of the biggest ones. Print off you pictures.

Step 2: Cut out a piece of cardboard to the same size as your picture.

Step 3: Secure you picture to the cardboard. I'm using two push pins and the split in my table to hold it securely. You could use a little bit of tape or whatever works easier for you.
Now start poling holes in the cardboard following the line of the picture until you have completely traced the design.
Once your done lift up the picture to make sure you got all of it. If you did it right it should look exactly like the original picture.

Step 4: Use your scissors or knife to cut along the dotted lines. I found that for the more detailed designs or smaller designs it is better to use the X-Acto or utility knife.
Once you are done you should have an almost perfect replica of you original picture.

I like to use cardboard as it is a little way to recycle and it also makes for a nice sturdy pattern. Don't worry if you edges are a little rough, when you cut out the pattern on the fabric you can always sharpen or soften any edges as needed.

P.S. The clovers seen in this tutorial will be seen in the upcoming weeks, for St. Patrick's Day and possibly some Spring crafts.

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